Bring warmth to Ukraine!
Support Ukrainians with Caritas
The third winter during the war is about to begin in Ukraine. The country's heating systems, such as power plants, have been damaged by the impacts. Many vulnerable people, such as the elderly, sick and disabled, need extra protection in their homes.
In Ukraine, it is feared that this winter will be more difficult than previous war winters. The temperature can drop to 20 degrees below zero. Many homes do not receive, for example, district heating, so they have to produce their own heat. That's why families need firewood, coal and heating equipment for heating. Many houses are old and poorly insulated, so blankets, insulation and heating material are needed a lot.
Caritas takes heat to more than 3,000 homes. With the donated funds, Ukrainians receive heating energy, blankets, warm tents and necessities.
The cold cool homes
​Cold winter is approaching. Participate with Caritas Finland in a joint campaign of several European countries that brings warmth to Ukrainians. The proceeds of the collection will be used to bring warmth to vulnerable population groups. The local Caritas delivers the help. People living in poorly insulated houses and evacuees staying in temporary shelters will receive help. The evacuees will be provided with warm tents as well as food and hygiene packages and cash. Most of the aid is directed close to the war front in the regions of Kharkiv, Sumy, Donetsk, Zaporizhia and Kherson.
The most vulnerable in these areas are children, the elderly and the disabled. For them, the lack of heat is dangerous for their health and well-being.
One of the beneficiaries is 79-year-old Valentyna Semenivna, who lives in a front-line village in the Zaporizhia region. He lives with his adult children, who had to move from the Donetsk region. Now the whole house needs heating, but it is difficult, because the house is old and does not retain heat well. Through Caritas, Valentyna has received fuel briquettes to heat her home and thus survive the winter.
​Take part in the collection and bring warmth to Ukrainians!
You can support Ukraine through our efforts by donating here!
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